Attack : Action with malicious intension.
Authentication: It is process of identifying
the person or system with username or password
Backdoor: It is trapdoor used to gain
unauthorised access to computer and network
Buffer :Temporarily data storage while data
is placed to one place to another
Cipher : It is process to cover the data
into code or encrypt algorithm technique
Cryptography : It is science and art of
protecting the privacy of the information by encrypting into a secret code
Decryption :
Process of converting cipher text to plain text.
Encryption : Process of converting plain
text to cipher text.
Exploit : To take advantage of weakness of
the system.
Hash value : It is result of applying
cryptographic hash function to data.
Malware : It is used to damage computer
system and network and steal the data form the infected system.
Threat :
It is a possible danger that
might exploit a vulnerability to violate security protocols.
Computer security: To protect the computer
system and the data which is stored in the system.
Cyber security : It is a process of
protecting data system and networks against cyber attack.
Information security : It is a process to
protect information system from threats through security control to reach CIA.
Cyber forensic : Extracting data as a proof
for crime. Recovering process of deleted file.
Vulnerability : The potential to harm or loss.
Exposure : Risk property exit.
Resistance : Action taken to prevent.
Resilience : Ability to recover root state.
Confidentiality : Limits access to information
Integrity : Assurance that the information
is accurate.
Availability: Definite and reliable access by authorized people.
Cryptanalysis : Studying cryptographic weakness
of the cryptographic algorithm and decipher the cipher text without knowing
secret key.
Accounting : It manages user consumed
resources during acces. It includes amount of data user used and sent login
session time .
Bug : It is also called as an error.
Loophole: Programming gap through which
exploit can be access.
Key : It is used to decode encoding things.
Pubic key : it is used to
encrypt the data.
Protocol : Set of rules or guidelines for
communication in the internet .
Protocol suit : Also called as TCP/IP
Hash function : Used to convert plain text
into cipher text.
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